Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First Day of School

 First Day!

 Preschool. They grow up way too fast!
No, it isn't the camera or the lighting, it really is the color of her pants.

2nd Grade

3rd Grade


9th Grade. He is a Freshman! High School?! I feel like I should still be in High School.

7th grade. Middle School. I had to chase this one down to the bus stop to get a photo. :) Not because she didn't want one, but we had kids going in all directions at different times and we simply forgot.

35th Grade.
Off to teach the bright young minds of the future. Please stay alive. :)

Friday, August 21, 2015

Really? Really?!

Kate brought home a little refresher worksheet from her first day of 3rd grade. It had different topics (math, science, reading) to get their minds refreshed from last year.

This was the vocabulary exercise:

Really?! You really want to start the year by putting this word into their brains??

Side note . . . Katelyn is an awesome stick-figure artist. Who knew they didn't have necks?


RaKell came to me and matter-of-factly said,

"Mom, the phone accidentally fell into the fish tank, but I got it out. It's ok. It was dead so I hung it up to charge."



There has been a scale sitting in our hallway for a few days.
Getting ready for school yesterday morning, Landon stood on the scale.
His fists shot straight up in the air and, with excitement, he exclaimed, "NEW RECORD! I'm not 53 anymore, I'm 55!"


The kids ran in from playing outside. They were breathing heavily and all grabbed cups and headed to the sink to fill up for a nice refreshing cup of water.
RaKell had her cup in hand when she spotted the pickles on the table. . .
"Mmmmm pickle juice!"
She set her cup on the table and filled it with the juice from the pickle jar and drank the whole thing!