Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Katelyn - A day of moods

Setting: Evening time. Grouchy 3-year-old, Kate, that refuses to take naps anymore, was playing at the fridge with her Word Whammer. No one dared go near because they knew of her current mood situation. Mom was making dinner at the stove.

Katelyn had the setting to "build your own word." She kept flicking the letters off the fridge, pushing the song button, and trying to get a reaction from mom or anyone that passed by.
Push red song button and a character sings alphabet song, "A, B, C," push again and it starts over, "A," push, "A," push, "A," "A,""A,""A,""A,"
"KATE. That's enough."
The noise ceases a moment. Big scowl on Kate's face.
Toy defaults to directing a child to build a word, "Put a letter in the spot with the blinking light."
Another moment of silence.
"Put a letter in the spot with the blinking light."
Response from the 3-year-old, "NO! I DON'T WANT TO!" 


Unknown said...

Funny kids!! Kate is such a character! Love you all!

WX Ences said...

LOL!!! I love being a mom...it's good to remember we aren't the only ones who have a bad day!