Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Little Miss Muffet

Katelyn was sitting by the ditch at the produce field today. All of the sudden she stood up, crying and could not even breathe to tell me what happened. As I got to her I asked if she was hurt. Still sobbing profusely, she managed a "Nnnoooooooo!"
"What is the matter?"
"There was a spider crawling on my pants!"
I brushed her pants all over with no sign of a spider. I asked, "Was it a daddy long-leg?"
"Nooooooo! It was a sister!"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Toilet Training

Landon will use the bathroom everytime his diaper gets changed. He does pretty well with it but does not like to go when we randomly, throughout the day, ask him to.

Today I caught him with that red, frog-face look that kids get when they are pushing (yes, surely adults get it too, but they tend to not have an audience). I hurried him into the bathroom to, as far as he knew, "change his diaper." He had already gone a bit in his diaper so I coaxed him onto the toilet to finish. I also knew I had to leave him alone or he wouldn't go.

"Landon, I am going to get you some clean clothes. Wait here and try to finish pooping in the toilet."

I was gone for about 2 minutes, returned and asked, "Did you go?"

"Yeah," was his little response.

"Hurray! You did it!"

With a firm feeling on the matter he declared, "Yeah, it really freaked me out!"

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Dalan came into the kitchen and said to me, "Mom, I'm not always a good boy, but I try to be."
Overhearing our conversation, Landon piped in and exclaimed, "Well, I am!"