Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Five months later and much has happened. Our three children are growing fast!

Dalan finished kindergarten and lost two bottom teeth. His class had some chicken eggs that they watched hatch. We inherited two of the little orphans. Dalan has taken full responsibility of Fluffy and Yellow. He is a good "Daddy."
He also finished the semester of tumbling and his skills are improving.

Aunalee (aka. Rachel, Superwoman, and/or Princess Leah [depending on the day]) is growing into a young lady. She finished ballet and loved it and continues to practice at home. Her energy and excitement starts when she wakes up and does not stop until her head is on her pillow at night. Needless to say, she keeps us on our toes.

Katelyn is five months old! WOW! She started eating rice cereal and, from the first bite, loved it and opened for more. She loves to talk, twist her tongue, and play with her toes. She is getting pretty good at rolling around so we have to keep a close eye on her or she ends up stuck under the couch. She loves people, especially Dalan and Aunalee.

So far this summer we have gone on one road trip. The first week of June we met Preston's cousins in South Dakota on thier move from the east coast to the west coast. We toured Jewel Cave, Crazy Horse, and Mt. Rushmore. We then headed west and went through the Buffalo Bill Museum in Cody, WY and then spent two days in Yellowstone. It was a great trip! Our favorite parts were touring the cave and seeing all the animals with their new babies at Yellowstone (bears, elk, buffalo, coyotes). We highly recommend Yellowstone in the spring.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Preston, JaNiel, Dalan, Aunalee, and Katelyn

It is only fitting to begin our new family blog with pictures of our newest family member.

Here she is, Katelyn Parker, born on her due date January 27, 2007. Her name, like our other two children, ties into family, yet is their own, unique name. Kathryn is the name of JaNiel's sister who passed away, Kate is the name of JaNiel's Great-Great Grandmother, and Catherine is the name of Preston's Great-Great-Grandmother who is very famous in the Parker family.

You can click on the image to make it bigger:
Katelyn is only about 30 minutes old

First family visit
3 days old

Dalan and Aunale love their baby sister, Katelyn.